July 12, 2008

Giving Back

The flamboyant nature of this society often have the ‘smoke-screen’ effect which ‘covers’ more than what you think you are seeing/feeling. Whenever I tend to feel something NOW, I will re-think, whether is it the first-hand feeling that is giving me this wrong sense of pleasant satisfaction or whether am I really feeling it.

For example, when someone text you some a message like this,
Someone: “Hey, what are you doing now? Thanks for the food just now. Hope we can meet up for another dinner soon, this time, my treat :P”

Instantaneously, one will tend to be very extremely excited IF that someone is someone whom you have admired for quite some time already. This is the first-hand feeling I am talking about.

Coming up, this is what I have discovered recently, have we ever asked ourselves whether that someone is just another player mass messaging a handful of people? What if we fall into his trap?

Above are just some mild digressions.

Looks like the EBAR session on Thursday did not turn out as well as supposed. After- effect for Eric was bad. More vomiting sessions, throat hurts to a huge extent, now his chest hurts. But I’m ok already leh, anyway, in the first place I didn’t even suffer quite badly just that I had slight hangover. LOL. Buddha bless.

Samsung F480 aka Tocco. the phone is so nice and chic! and it doesn't cost that much either!

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