I am damn serious about this Fish and Co Express place in downtown east. Its damn cheap and the serving is WOAH for that price!
Eve of the Chinese Lunar New Year.. damn long ago la! i am not really photogenic btw!
PS: I havent met Eric for quite some time already. not to even mention Eda! i misssss u both la!!!!!
you're starting to get so busy again, of cos not so for me.. just that our timing didnt meet.. sighs
our timing all clash. i can, she cant, you can, i cant! =S
HAHAHAHA. wey why ur blogskin keeps changing one? pattern zuai zuai. =p
cuz i wan simple ones can already! just like me! lol. =X but i still wanna thank SY for helping me in the past for changing!
ANYWAY, i where got busy Mr. Tan!? Just that our timings always clash!
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