April 12, 2008

Essential Blues/Blue?

May it be plural or singular.

Main point is Wilson brought me there today and treated me. Portion was big. and not really expensive though. The culture there is that, if u were brought to a cushion seat, meaning there's no chair, SO. Actually u have to seat on the cushion and the table is very low. You have to take out your shoes and place them on the shoe rack.

ERM.You guys get what i mean?

Anyway, its in Holland Village. Frankly speaking, I'm spoilt for choices when it comes to Holland Village. But today when i went there, this 'Eski Bar' or something was closed down! going to be renovated to a malay restaurant. Wanted to visit it with Eda they all sometime ago, but no chance to. Its a chilling area for chilling purposes and it is very CHILLY inside. LOL.

Basically, the whole stretch of Holland V is good for Dinner,chilling and everything. =))))

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