April 26, 2009

i can

i can't handle too many emotional issues at one time; i am able to but i often lump them up in one single basket and end up i would be like,

" Shit, i am stressed!"

That auto mechanism opens up every single time and reports to my brain system how stress i am. Damn. Physical issues like workload, friendship and whatnot, i am able to deal with it provided no one bothers me and leave me alone.

Gr pointed out something valuable something ago. do we blog for others or ourselves? for me? i don't know. i guess its the 'mood machine' that calls for it. i guess family, friends, relatives and kids are the only crucial part of my life that can bring me alive and kicking!

In conclusion, i have learnt to be more confident, contended (although i have always been) and less judgemental nowadays.
Main reason: the smile from the innocent kids i have been with all the while, my nieces and nephews. The non-worried facial expressions, the cheeky and naughty actions from them. all the non worried kids let me understand a fact. just leave things as they are. things will be fine.

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