May 18, 2008

Pre-Vesak Day

I took quite a look of pictures recently. Do look out!
Anyway, today is Sunday, one day b4 vesak day. didnt do much today. Managed to swim, but not long enough to stay till the 2-4pm peak hour sun! DAMN. i will do so tomorrow. Cuz once i start working, i wouldnt have much time to wiggle in the pool under the hot blazing sun already.
Main point is, my mum brought my dad and i to 光明山, its located at bishan. For those who are buddhist, you might know of have heard of this. Anyway, i don't have a chinese program and i usually will consult to get chinese words; under their translation section.

OH MY BUDDHA. when i typed Bright Hill mountain for direct translation
THIS CAME OUT. i was laughing to myself la.LOL.------------>>>>明亮的小山山.

**may them be dead or alive**
Buddha will always bless these people
My Mama praying to the Buddha

Tayrius Low & his compassionate Papa

This is the 3 steps 1 bow that i have mentioned earlier in my posts . Its pretty tedious . NOT on the physical side for the macho merries of cuz.but definitely on the mental side. Because a lot of patience is needed.

But if you have the heart, you will definitely finish it. its not surprising that you can see 80++ or 90++ grannies or grandpas doing this twice consecutively without any rest!

DA DANG! My MAMA and me!
FYI. it took a lot of convincing for her to take some pictures with me or my dad.

They are not exactly the lovey Dovey parents. but i know my dad loves my mum and us a lot. Although he can have quite a bad temper towards my mum!

DAD. PLS BE MORE PATIENT towards your wife. She has done so much for the family!

Last but not least

随 缘
I found this miniature card selling for S$2. i bought it because once i saw it, read the words on it. i felt. HM. True. Very true.
Some things just cannot be forced. Just have to follow smoothly. But that doesn't mean i will stop. But maybe. More mellow and subtle.

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