August 26, 2008

Need some change

Seriously, i have always wanted to add a Cbox in my blog. you know the one where people can leave comments in it? I have tried to paste the html code or java code (whatever you call it, i am not very farmiliar with it) everywhere in the editing mode of the blog, but it just can't seem to appear. I have sort of grasp the knowledge to edit it when i was back in poly year 1, this IT class had taught us some skills, but i had vague memory of it.
I studied Business studies back then, so IT was just some SUB module.

Next up, i want to change the background of my blog, tried pasting the coding everywhere but again, FAILED. felt so fucked-up, so i gave up. i tried to convince myself that heaven is fair, so i told myself although i am quite bad in codings, but i could sing better than most people! furthermore, IT based students like cruise can't even do codings! not to mention me. SO, i am really considered not bad already. SPARE me the agony!

HAHA. I am quite into self-denial mode sometimes. well, looking from another angle, people might think i am quite positive =)) life still has to go on without codings and HTML. YUCKS.
I feel like an old auntie now. nagging about my life when there's still a lot to see and learn.HAHAHA.

Going into the real working world, i see a lot of people working just because they need a job. not because they like it? but having to face the cruel and harsh reality, you can't just follow your dreams and pretend it is working. unless you have no burdens in life except yourself OR you are born with a bronze spoon. if you are born with a sliver and above spoon, you can go train at the tai-tai school.

Random. i am usually very very organized. now i am just spitting things out in a unorganized manner. I have the urge to highlight the whole part above and press delete. but i shall not.


"Somebody stop me! This is the mask!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SMOKIN!"


clumsymouse said...
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Anonymous said...

himbo, lolx..